The United Religious, Military and Masonic Order of the Temple
and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta
in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas

Province of Gloucestershire & Herefordshire


The Eminent Preceptor and the Provincial PriorThe Corinium Preceptory held its annual Ladies' Night on February, 18th 2017, at the Masonic Hall, Cirencester.  A most successful and enjoyable evening was had by all at this unique event within the Province.  The evening was hosted by the Eminent Preceptor, Winston Spencer and his Lady, Cynthia Spencer.  There were over 60 Knights, Brethren, Gentlemen and Ladies in attendance; including the Right Eminent Provincial Prior and Knights from across the Province.

Winston and Cynthia SpencerA Drinks Reception was followed by a splendid Dinner of Roast Beef and Chocolate Pear Pudding. The meal was concluded by a glass of Port for all, kindly provided by Winston and Cynthia.  

The formal part of the evening was concluded by the Eminent Preceptor, who proposed a most thoughtful and humorous Toast to the Ladies.  His Lady, Cynthia, responded, on behalf of the Ladies, likewise, in a very gracious and delightful manner.  The Eminent Preceptor presented bouquets to his Lady and all the other Ladies who assisted in the preparations for the evening.  In time-honoured tradition, a Gift was presented to each Lady: on this occasion, a large box of Cadbury's Chocolates, in tribute to all the milk that Winston's cows provide to the famous chocolate maker!

The remainder of the evening was spent conversing with both old and new friends alike.

Proposing the toast Responding to the toast

Photographs courtesy of Peter Burrows